Wednesday, November 17, 2021

My Instagram

Follow me on Instagram @Euridicesmixandmatchpburns

Fashion Statements

This Is For Ladies Staying On Point With Your Mental Health

Ladies it's very important that we stay on top of our mental health. We are so busy taking care of the kids, running our busnesss,going to school, working full times jobs that we forget to take care of ourselves. This is when we find ourselves crying in the bathroom and having mental breakdowns. We are so strong that we dont take the time out to care for ourselves and take a step and say I need a break. I need to get outside take a breather. I often find myself breaking down because I am trying to accomplish so much and do so many things at one time. Constatntly feeling like I am not doing enough or that I should be doing more. Thats when the attacks start to occur on my character. Its crazy because I know I graduated College, Im retired after working 25 years, Im raising my children to be respectable, educated, independent citizens, and I'm running a small business. That's a lot of accomplishments and I still will say Trice not enough. That's when the depression sinks in. Then it's like whats else can I do? The impulses start to come and Im now all over the place. To the point where Im not getting the proper rest, up at 3am, posting on Instagram, FB, Im just everywhere. When is enough, enough? We have to start saying to ourself you are enough, your doing enough and appreciate all that we have right now. Call up your good long time friends an say sis i need to talk, say a prayer, practice meditation, listen to some music, go shopping, or just sit still and take a breather. Take the time out for yoursle ladies it's very important that we do this for ourselves and our families. We are the ones that are making it happen and keeping it running daily. So with that said check on your strong friends ladies. We need each other. Until the next post take care and love yourself.

Dope Looks by Euridice Stylist Out of Brooklyn

Fashionista On The Rise, Creating Dope Looks Daily

New Pieces Available At Euridice's Mix and Match

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Bib Necklaces

If you don't have one there's a problem. These Necklaces bring out any outfit. Get you one or some at forever21, Daffy's, Express, Lord&Taylor, etc, Great Prices even at H&M. 


